Results for 'Mattia L. Rattaggi'

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  1.  59
    Financial Risk Models in the Light of the Banking Crisis 2007–2008.Mattia L. Rattaggi - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (4):462-486.
    The financial crisis that began in the US real-estate market in 2007 and culminated in a global economic slump showed bluntly how wrong financial risk models can be. This state of affairs has triggered a number of reactions and observations at the level of the specification and use of models and at a more conceptual/fundamental level. This article focuses on the epistemic features of such models – namely the nature, source, conditions of validity, structure and limits of the knowledge that (...)
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    Introducing global integral constitutionalism.James Tully, Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Anthony F. Lang, Mattias Kumm & Antje Wiener - 2016 - Global Constitutionalism 5 (1):1 – 15.
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    Verso l’integrazione europea. Jean Monnet tra infrastrutture e governance logistica.Mattia Frapporti - 2019 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (60).
    The goal of the article is to investigate some aspects of the logistic European integration at its origins by looking at the contribution of Jean Monnet. Focusing on the fifty years before the Schuman declaration, the text traces the formation of the “logistics rationality” of the Frenchman, centering on two crucial aspects of his action: the commitment to build transnational infrastructures and the creation of “logistic communities” of States. Following this route, the birth of the ECSC will emerge as the (...)
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    Gianni Vattimo: l'etica dell'interpretazione.Daniele Mattia - 2002 - Firenze: Firenze Atheneum.
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    L'erede che ride: parodia ed etica della consumazione in Max Stirner.Mattia Luigi Pozzi - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    All’origine della sceneggiatura. Verso una critica genetica del film L’eclisse (1962).Giuseppe Mattia - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 64 (1):595-606.
    La presente proposta – inserita nel quadro della ricerca di dottorato intitolata _Tonino Guerra sceneggiatore tra anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. Il lavoro con Antonioni e Rosi tra storia e inchiesta_ – si propone di illustrare la ricognizione archivistica condotta su alcune fonti di prima mano, relative al film _L’eclisse_ (1962) di Michelangelo Antonioni. Questi materiali preparatori inediti gettano luce su modelli sia interpretativi sia metodologici legati alla genetica testuale. In un’ottica storico-filologica, l’osservazione del metodo di lavoro di Guerra e Antonioni (...)
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    Interactions between Obsessional Symptoms and Interpersonal Ambivalences in Psychodynamic Therapy: An Empirical Case Study.Shana Cornelis, Mattias Desmet, Kimberly L. H. D. Van Nieuwenhove, Reitske Meganck, Jochem Willemsen, Ruth Inslegers & Jasper Feyaerts - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:190151.
    Background: The classical symptom specificity hypothesis (Blatt, 1974) links obsessional symptoms to autonomous interpersonal behavior. Inconsistent findings from cross-sectional group studies on symptom specificity have previously been associated with several conceptual and methodological limitations intrinsic to nomothetic research. Previous empirical case research reported ambivalences between autonomous and dependent interpersonal behavior in obsessional pathology. Aim and Method: The present ‘theory-building’ case study specifically aims at further refinement of the classical symptom specificity hypothesis by testing specific operationalizations within an empirical single case (...)
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    How Speakers Orient to the Notable Absence of Talk: A Conversation Analytic Perspective on Silence in Psychodynamic Therapy.A. S. L. Knol, Tom Koole, Mattias Desmet, Stijn Vanheule & Mike Huiskes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Silence has gained a prominent role in the field of psychotherapy because of its potential to facilitate a plethora of therapeutically beneficial processes within patients’ inner dynamics. This study examined the phenomenon from a conversation analytical perspective in order to investigate how silence emerges as an interactional accomplishment and how it attains interactional meaning by the speakers’ adjacent turns. We restricted our attention to one particular sequential context in which a patient’s turn comes to a point of possible completion and (...)
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  9. Validity Beyond Measurement: Why Psychometric Validity Is Insufficient for Valid Psychotherapy Research.Femke L. Truijens, Shana Cornelis, Mattias Desmet, Melissa M. De Smet & Reitske Meganck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  10. La storia E l'eterno. Gustavo bontadini E il problematicismo storico-filosofico.Mattia Cardenas - 2012 - Divus Thomas 115 (1):332-367.
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    L'esperienza del mondo: Claude Lefort e la fenomenologia del politico.Mattia Di Pierro - 2020 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Essere Natura: L'universo sinfonico e il delicato empirismo di Spinoza.Mattia Brambilla - 2021 - Nóema 12:106-129.
    Attraverso i dubbi che Tschirnhaus rivolge a Spinoza circa l’impercettibilità degli attributi e la distinzione dell'essenza dell'intelletto divino con l'essenza dell'intelletto umano, il presente saggio si propone di studiare il rapporto fra totalità e parte e il senso dell’immanenza nell’ontologia spinoziana, con particolare attenzione alla diade implicazione-esplicazione che ne permette il funzionamento. La comunanza formale propria dell’immanenza, la quale fonda l’implicazione e l’esplicazione, risulta il concetto chiave per comprendere a un tempo lo statuto sinfonico dell’universo modale, in cui ogni cosa (...)
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    Cioran e l'Occidente: utopia, esilio, caduta.Fabrizio Meroi, Mattia Luigi Pozzi & Paolo Vanini (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Il potere delle piattaforme come infrastrutture. Tecnica, estetica, egemonia.Mattia Frapporti - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 35 (69):35-51.
    È ormai diffusa la letteratura che mostra il carattere infrastrutturale delle piattaforme digitali. Brevemente sondata, ma sostanzialmente assunta questa dimensione, in questo articolo l’obiettivo è indagare le implicazioni politiche di tale categorizzazione. Nello specifico, risulterà particolarmente centrato analizzare il carattere tecnico, estetico ed egemonico del potere delle piattaforme, le declinazioni in termini governamentali, e le sfide che esse pongono all’attore statale.
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    Damiano Modena, La théologie du cardinal Martini. Le Mystère au coeur de l’histoire. Namur, Paris, Éditions Lessius , 2015, 318 p. [REVIEW]Mattia Colombo - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):152-153.
  16. Le neutroscienze e l'origine delle decisioni.Matteo Motterlini & Mattia Pavoni - 2010 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 28 (4).
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    Nicolas Weill-Parot, Mireille Ausécache, Joël Chandelier, Laurence Moulinier-Brogi, and Marilyn Nicoud. Editors. De l’homme, de la nature et du monde. Mélanges d’histoire des sciences médiévales offerts à Danielle Jacquart. Genève: Droz, 2018. [REVIEW]Mattia Cipriani - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):158-159.
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    No Change? A Grounded Theory Analysis of Depressed Patients' Perspectives on Non-improvement in Psychotherapy.Melissa Miléna De Smet, Reitske Meganck, Kimberly Van Nieuwenhove, Femke L. Truijens & Mattias Desmet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:427744.
    Aim: Understanding the effects of psychotherapy is a crucial concern for both research and clinical practice, especially when outcome tends to be negative. Yet, while outcome is predominantly evaluated by means of quantitative pre-post outcome questionnaires, it remains unclear what this actually means for patients in their daily lives. To explore this meaning, it is imperative to combine treatment evaluation with quantitative and qualitative outcome measures. This study investigates the phenomenon of non-improvement in psychotherapy, by complementing quantitative pre-post outcome scores (...)
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  19. Abolizionismo Morale.Mattia Cecchinato - 2021 - Aphex 23.
    Secondo la teoria dell’errore tutte le proposizioni morali sono false poiché non si riferiscono ad alcun referente nel mondo. Se tale metaetica fosse corretta, dovremmo abbandonare il pensiero morale o continuare come nulla fosse? Come vivremmo se nelle nostre scelte non tenessimo conto di alcuna considerazione morale? L’abolizionismo morale argomenta che le nostre vite risulterebbero essere migliori, e perciò tenta di persuaderci a eliminare le pratiche morali. Questo contributo presenta un’introduzione critica al progetto abolizionista, indagandone le ragioni e mettendone in (...)
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    Annarosa Gallo, Prefetti del pretore e prefetture. L’organizzazione dell’agro romano in Italia (IV–I sec. a.C.), Bari (Edipuglia) 2018 (Documenti e studi 68), 320 S., ISBN 978-88-7228-861-0, € 40,–Prefetti del pretore e prefetture. L’organizzazione dell’agro romano in Italia (IV–I sec. a.C.). [REVIEW]Mattia Balbo - 2018 - Klio 102 (2):785-787.
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    A priori Proofs of God’s Existence in 17th-century Scholastics.Mattia Mantovani - 2019 - Quaestio 19:492-497.
    Igor Agostini, La démonstration de l’existence de Dieu. Les conclusions des cinq voies de saint Thomas d’Aquin et la preuve a priori dans le thomisme du XVIIe siècle, The Age of Descartes / Descartes et son temps 1, Brepols, Turnhout 2016, 704 pp.
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    Leer a Maquiavelo, traducir el Corán: Muhammad, príncipe y legislador en el Alcorano di Macometto (Venecia, 1547).Pier Mattia Tommasino - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (2):271-296.
    Este artículo se centra en L'Alcorano di Macometto, escrito por Giovanni Battista Castrodardo de Belluno (1517 ca.-1588 ca.) e impreso por Andrea Arrivabene en Venecia en 1547. Aunque hoy sea considerado como una torpe paráfrasis de la traducción latina del Corán de Roberto de Ketton (1143 AD), un examen atento demuestra que L¿Alcorano costituyó una práctica y exitosa enciclopedia de bolsillo sobre la historia del islam y del Imperio otomano. Siguiendo una intuición de Alessandro D¿Ancona (1889), analizo los textos históricos (...)
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  23.  21
    Totalité et démocratie. Claude Lefort avec et après Marx.Mattia Di Pierro - 2016 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 53:155-168.
    Du communisme au libéralisme : c’est de cette façon que le parcours intellectuel de Claude Lefort est généralement décrit. Malheureusement, les choses ne sont pas si simples. En effet, l’entier travail lefortien, des rangs du parti trotskiste à la réflexion sur le totalitarisme et la démocratie, comporte aussi une discussion continue avec l’œuvre de Marx. Un débat intensif avec le père du communisme, avec bien sûr des contrastes durs, guidé par l’influence de la phénoménologie de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Celle-ci conduit Lefort (...)
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    Skogerbø, E., Ihlen, Ø., Nörgaard Kristensen, N., & Nord, L. (eds.) (2021). Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Gothenburg: Nordicom. 396 pp. [REVIEW]Mattias Ekman - 2023 - Communications 48 (1):157-159.
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  25. Vers une philosophie de l'esprit ou de la totalite.Henri L. Mieville - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:452.
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  26. Fī ẓilāl al-ʻaqīdah wa-al-akhlāq: muḥāḍarāt al-Sayyid Kamāl al-Ḥaydarī.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2007 - Īrān: Dār Farāqid lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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  27. Discours sur l'altérité dans l'argentine moderne Par Arnd Schneider.Dans L'argentine Moderne - 1998 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 105:341-360.
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  28. L'aponia divine entre physique, éthique et théologie chez Aristote et dans le Lycée.Thomas Bénatouïl - 2014 - In Cristina Cerami, Nature et sagesse: les rapports entre physique et metaphysique dans la tradition aristotelicienne: recueil de textes en hommage a Pierre Pellegrin. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
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  29. Notes sur l'argument ontologique chez Descartes et Bonaventure.L. Oeing-Hanhoff - 1973 - Archives de Philosophie 36 (4):643-655.
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    Réponses au questionnaire sur l'enseignement de la physique.L. Van Hove - 1967 - Dialectica 21 (1‐4):153-156.
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  31. sociales était devenue une réalité massive, y compris pour ceux qui bénéficiaient d'un poste dans le secteur public, à l'Académie notamment. Le dossier établi par Aurore Merle et Zhang Lun, treize ou qua-torze ans plus tard, et cette fois-ci sur la Chine, est d'une tout autre.Et L'avenir Mondial la Chine - 2007 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 122:165-168.
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    Chronique de responsabilité médicale à l’hôpital.M. L. Moquet-Anger - 2003 - Médecine et Droit 2003 (61):115-122.
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    François Jullien, une aventure qui a dérangé la philosophie.François L'Yvonnet - 2020 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
    Entrer dans la pensée de François Jullien -- L'ailleurs chinois -- Tribulations d'un jeune philosophe en Chine -- La langue-pensée chinoise -- Une stratégie philosophique -- Dissidence -- De la cohérence au concept -- D'un dérangement l'autre -- Vivre en existant -- Une philosophie du vivre -- La ressource de l'intime -- De la dé-coïncidence -- L'inouï -- Une pensée du politique -- Un chantier politique -- Du dialogue des cultures -- L'Europe en panne d'idéal -- L'identité culturelle en question.
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    At play in the fields of consciousness: essays in honor of Jerome L. Singer.Jerome L. Singer, Jefferson A. Singer & Peter Salovey (eds.) - 1999 - Mahwah, N.J.: Lawerence Erlbaum.
    This collection of articles pays homage to the creativity and scientific rigor Jerome Singer has brought to the study of consciousness and play. It will interest personality, social, clinical and developmental psychologists alike.
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    A keresztyén vallásnak és a világosodásnak együtt való terjedéséről.Pál Sipos - 2002 - Szeged: SZTE Társadalomelméleti Gyűjteménye. Edited by Péter Egyed.
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    Épitre sur l'Unité et la Trinité, Traité sur l'Intellect, Fragment sur l'AmeEpitre sur l'Unite et la Trinite, Traite sur l'Intellect, Fragment sur l'Ame.Nicholas L. Heer, Muḥyī al-Dīn al-'Ajamī al-Iṣfahānī, M. Allard, G. Troupeau & Muhyi al-Din al-'Ajami al-Isfahani - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):188.
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  37. Mementʻo mori, chugŭm ŭl kiŏk hara: Hanʼgugin ŭi chugŭmnon.Yŏl-gyu Kim - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Kungni.
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    Les métamorphoses du concept de droit commun à la croisée d’enjeux juridiques et théologiques.L. -L. Christians - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (3):306-342.
    Comment témoigner d’une espérance religieuse dans le droit contemporain ? Par l’obéissance et l’humilité de l’inculturation, ou par l’objection et la résistance propre au signe de contradiction ? Si les périodes barbares du XXe siècle ont relancé l’analyse théologique de la tension entre ces deux voies, qu’en est-il aujourd’hui des contextes apparemment pacifiés de nos droits démocratiques ? Si le moment juridique y colonise progressivement la société, c’est au nom de sa nature de « droit commun » qu’il estime acquérir (...)
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  39. Chaa rŭl kkaedannŭn esei.Ch'ŏl Paek (ed.) - 1978 - Sŏul: Paengmansa.
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  40. La Réalité de l'Esprit, essai de sociologie subjective.D. Draghicesco & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (2):3-3.
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  41. Sousedik unsuccessful criticism.L. Hejdanek - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (4):677-680.
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  42. The Morality of the Criminal Law, Two Lectures.H. L. A. Hart - 1965
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    Interview with Lisbeth Hockey. Interview by Verena Tschudin.L. Hockey - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):122.
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    Preface.L. P. Horwitz - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (12):1807-1808.
  45. What does a teacher of philosophy actually teach?L. Illetterati - 2001 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 30 (3-4):333-375.
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    Effects of thermal annealing and ageing on porous silicon photoluminescence.L. G. Jacobsohn *, D. W. Cooke, B. L. Bennett, R. E. Muenchausen & M. Nastasi - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (23):2611-2620.
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    VIII.—Does Consciousness Evolve?L. P. Jacks - 1913 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 13 (1):190-191.
  48. Subversive Spirituality: Transforming Mission through the Collapse of Space and Time.L. Paul Jensen - 2009
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  49. (1 other version)Cognitive Carpentry: A Blueprint for How to Build a Person 1995.John L. POLLOCK - 1995
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    Useful distraction: Ritualized behavior as an opportunity for recalibration.L. Orrock John - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):625-626.
    Responding to potential hazards is likely to require precaution-related recalibration, the extensive integration of complex variables related to inferred risk and fitness. By swamping working memory with goal-demoted actions and focusing recalibration on the inferred threat, ritualized behaviors may serve to increase the efficacy of precaution-related recalibration. This benefit may be an important mechanism maintaining non-pathological ritualized behavior. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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